When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

When We Grow Up

When we grow up bj rae what children need near a river

We deserve these things when we grow up!  If you love us, please give us what we need!

Dear Politicians, Parents, and Teachers,

Thank you for providing guidance to us as we grow up. But, you’re doing a few things wrong, and these things will  prevent us from having what we need when we’re adults.

Here are some of the basics we need

and how you can improve

our chances of being

productive, healthy, and happy

when we grow up.


We Need To Be Free–Not Slaves!

First, we don’t want to pay off the debt of the generations before us. Our country already has too much debt, and you keep spending more.  You’re stealing from our future paychecks! Please stop spending more money that you don’t have and be realistic about financial matters. Don’t force us to be slaves paying off the expenses that result from your desires!

We Need a Good Education!

Second, we need a good education. We want to learn the things that will enable us to be successful when we grow up. We need to learn that our opinions are valuable, even if they don’t agree with yours. Teachers should teach us to think for ourselves, communicate well, and interact with the world around us with open minds. These things will give us the best chance for success as adults.

We Need Freedom!

Third, we need a free world to live in when we grow up. Our parents have discussed what they know about communism and socialism. So what the voices we’ve heard on the news say scares us. Communism and socialism start with people getting everything for free and the government controlling too many things. The truth is that nothing is free, because someone somewhere pays for everything. What will happen when you don’t have enough somebodies to pay for all the things you’re giving away? Will the US collapse like Venezuela did? We don’t want to run out of toilet paper, water, and food! Certainly we deserve better than that!

In the crazy current America  we understand that we’ll be punished if I we express views that don’t agree with those of our country’s present leadership, especially in school and college. This isn’t the freedom that the Bill of Rights guarantees every person in the US. Most adults grew up with these valuable privileges, and we need to have them, too.


Thomas Jefferson said that it’s immoral to steal from future generations. Please don’t steal our future income, our freedom, or our opportunities to live a good life! You grew up with these things and have had throughout your adult lives, so please let us enjoy them, too. We haven’t done anything to hurt you, so please don’t hurt us!

When we grow up, we need and deserve

the chance to live in freedom and have a good life,

like you’ve had.

Please at least give us that much!



The Young and Unborn, Future Americans



Shel Silverstein said it best…

Do you have the power to help us?

Something you need to teach us every day…

We want to grow up and be readers and leaders!



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"Each reader's heart is like an eagle's and can soar above the storms in life..." - Near a River's Author, BJ Rae.

Written with uplifting words of encouragement, Near a River is a photographic children's book about two young bald eagles who are eager for their mother to teach them to fly so they may soar over the storms in their lives. Near a River encourages early childhood reading. BJ hopes that every child becomes a strong reader and soars above the storms in life.

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