Wishing You the Peace of an Eagle

Use these strategies to develop the peace of an eagle within yourself!

Lone eagles, soaring in the clouds, fly with silent, peaceful poise.

While turkeys, in their earth-bound crowds, fill the atmosphere with noise.

–Author unknown.

People who are like eagles are consistent and decided. If they say they will do something, they do it.  They do not care for anger or drama and are peaceful.

You can have the peace of an eagle.  Here are some strategies you can use to develop this awesome peace.

Avoid anyone who tries to drag you down.

Toxic people drag you down.  Especially if you struggle with depression or anxiety, you do not need to be dragged down.

Manage your anger.

Cope with your angry feelings instead of letting them fester.

When you begin to feel angry, try strategies that reduce anger.  Visualize yourself feeling peaceful or walking on a beach, hug someone, laugh, exercise, focus on your communication skills, and identify your anger triggers.

Look for the positives in life and be thankful.

If you cannot find anything to be positive about in your life at the moment, think of anything in your past or present you are thankful for.  Being thankful enables you to feel positive and feeling positive enables you to feel the peace of an eagle.

Believe you will succeed!

Eagles are at peace because they know they will succeed.  They always persist and succeed.

You can succeed, too. First, you must believe you will succeed.  You must believe in yourself and that YOU can make your dream come true.  Second, do your own thing instead of following others.  Third, persist until you reach your goal.  Finally, maintain your health as well as you can.

Forgive others.

When you forgive, you are releasing your negative feelings toward another person or situation.  Forgiveness benefits the forgiver more than the forgiven because it enables the forgiver to move past something that has been dragging him down.  When you forgive, you create peace inside yourself.


Has your life been difficult to cope with lately?  If you develop the peace of an eagle, you will find it easier to cope. Being peaceful also leads to greater success in life and helps to calm anxiety and depression. Peace creates happiness.

Parents, help your child develop the peace of an eagle.  Role model these behaviors and surround your child with others who do the same.

Change your country and your world!  Peaceful people change their country and the world by spreading peace through their actions and words.

I wish you the the peace of an eagle today and every other day of your life!

Soar like an eagle over life’s storms.  Develop the peace of an eagle inside your mind and heart today!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Do the impossible…

You can succeed like an eagle!

Do you have a toxic person in your life?

You have the power to change the world within you.


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes for children.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

Near a River common core reading book

is available on Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com.

Buy BJ’s Near a River encouraging eagle reading book

for children you care about today!



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  • Another great post B J! I had just read a few minutes prior to your post of a nine (9) year old girl had been bullied so much as school that she told her Mother that she wished she could just die so you wouldn't have to deal with the treatment she was receiving from her class mates. This is so tragic! Your post today is a must read! When we apply these principles it will make positive difference. Thanks!