Guess What, World?

Guess what, World?  Here are some things for you to think about!

World, you have done things to me that I do not appreciate.

At times you have looked down on me.  Sometimes, you have made me feel so different that I knew I did not fit in.  And you have also caused me to doubt myself.

Well, you cannot do those things to me anymore!  I no longer care what you think about me!

I have gotten smarter, and I realize some things I wish I had known years ago.

No one is better than me, regardless of what kind of car (s)he drives, what his or her business card says, or how big his or her home is.  What makes us all special is our potential to make our dreams come true, and I have as much or more of that than anyone else has.  I will never feel anxious or envious again.  Instead, I will motivate myself to make my dreams come true and become successful!

I also have figured out that fitting into the world is useless. When I tried to fit in, I shut down my true self and my true feelings.  Instead of being myself, I tried to become a robot programmed by society, and no one deserves this. It is time for me to be myself!

Regardless of what you do or say to me, I will never doubt myself again! Doubting myself will only cause me to fail.  It also erodes my self-confidence and holds me back.

Remember that you cannot ever hold me back again, regardless of what you try to do to me! I am taking charge of my life!

I have learned to accept and love myself, and nothing will ever hold me back again!


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


For kids everywhere…

Make your own life better!

When should you let go of the past?

We all need to have some of this spirit!


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