Celebrate Teacher’s Day!

Friday, October 5, is World Teacher’s Day.  What can you do to celebrate this day?

Perhaps we all need to polish some apples, one for each of our children’s teachers first thing this morning before we send our kids to school. It’s World Teacher’s Day!

On October 5, 1994, the United Nations established this day to honor teachers everywhere.

The theme this year is “The  right to education means the right to a qualified teacher.”

At the heart of any school is, of course, the teachers.  They are the people who teach children the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic.  They also stay on top of technology and emerging trends to make sure that all students are prepared for the next grade level and beyond.

In addition to academic tasks, teachers increasingly find themselves involved in students’ personal lives.  Teachers often need to help students with their personal issues before they can teach them what they need to learn to advance to the next grade.  They must help students address issues at home or societal issues that might affect classroom performance.

Often we read stories about how teachers spot students in need of additional help and they pitch right in and help.  They also often use their own money to help students in their classrooms.

As a former teacher myself, I can tell you how much a thank you means to a teacher.  One summer I taught 7th grade English in summer school.  On the last day of school, one student and his dad approached me after school.  The dad thanked me because his son had learned to enjoy reading in my class. His son had just read his first novel and now loved to read.

I have never forgotten that thank you.

Another thank you I appreciated was when parents bought books for my classroom for students to enjoy.  Buying a book for a teacher’s classroom is a great way to celebrate World Teacher’s Day.

Parents, remember that your children follow your example.  If you show gratitude to others, they will do the same throughout their lives. World Teacher’s Day is a great day to set this example.

Celebrate World Teacher’s Day by thanking a teacher!


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