When a storm is coming, all other birds seek shelter. The eagle alone avoids the storm by flying above it. So, in the storms of life may your heart be like an eagle’s and soar above.” – Author Unknown

Right a Wrong

right a wrong 2020 election ballot fraud bj rae

If you’re a decent person, you try to right a wrong when you see one!

The meaning of the verb ‘right’ is ‘to rectify a wrong or mistaken action’. ‘Wrong’ as a noun means ‘an unjust action’, and as a verb means ‘to act dishonestly toward’. As children, most of us–whether Democrat, Republican, or Independent—learned from our parents, extended family and teachers what these words mean and that we should do our best to always do the right thing. Even though my family was very dysfunctional, I became aware of these things.

I believe I have witnessed a recent wrong–a devious,calculated, and criminal one.

A man named Kiel Fauxton (whom I have never associated with) admitted the following statement on Facebook:

“Time to come clean. I work

for Wayne County, MI,

and I threw out

every Trump ballot I saw.

Tens of thousands of them,

and so did my coworkers.

I regret no…”

After he posted this message, two of his Facebook accounts disappeared.

In Germantown, Maryland, a poll worker looked around him, and then wrote something on a ballot. Of course, Maryland Election law prohibits what he did. 

Apparently, thirty states used a computer system known to be defective to tally votes. 

These are just three examples. Unfortunately, there are more!

Regardless of your party affiliation, don’t you want to know the real outcome of the 2020 election? I certainly do!

I believe that many people committed fraud in this election to oust our President, who has done so much good for our country. Until covid struck, he had created the best economy in over 50 years. More people had jobs than ever before, the average family had up to $2,000 more a year to spend due to lower taxes, and the US had much more balanced agreements with other countries.

Whether you like Trump’s tweets or not, or his personal style, surely you can appreciate at least one thing he’s done that’s benefited you personally.

Since most Democrats and Republicans know the difference between right and wrong, why can’t honest people on both sides stand up and demand justice? If we all take thirty minutes to write a letter to our governors with the information in this post and ask that they address these issues, we’re much more likely to be successful.

Parents, I challenge you to set a good example for your children and help correct this!

May every honest and moral person help right this wrong.


Let the encouraging words in these bobbiejrae posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Promises, trust, and others’ hearts.

One solution to  ballot fraud…

You can easily do this!

Short on cash?


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