Please Don’t Be Angry!

Encouragement to not be angry on near a river.

Don’t be angry.  Anger only makes your life worse!

Anger makes anxiety worse. When suppressed, it also causes depression.  It disrupts relationships and causes health problems such as high blood pressure, heart problems, headaches, skin disorders, and digestive issues.  It is also linked to violent behaviors.

So anger causes many problems today.  It is important to manage it before it manages to land you in legal trouble, like it has platinum rapper Cardi B. But how can it be managed?

Identify anger triggers, and then control your reactions to them.

Keep an anger journal. Write down what happened before you began to feel angry.  Write down how you act when you begin to feel angry.  Do you clench your fist or your teeth or speak louder? Make a list of your anger triggers.  Simply being aware of what your triggers are will help you manage your anger.

After you identify your anger triggers, write down what you can do instead of responding to your triggers.  Have at least three alternative coping options for every trigger.

Learn effective communication strategies.

Research has linked poor communication skills and anger issues.

If you struggle to control you anger and do not know how to express yourself effectively, perhaps you might benefit from learning communication skills.


Exercise provides an outlet for anger and triggers the release of feel-good brain chemicals.

Because I like the feel good chemicals my brain releases when I exercise, my goal is to walk 10 miles a day.  When I cannot walk, I feel frustrated.

Visualize peace.

When you first begin to notice your anger, visualize peace by imagining each breath you take is an ocean wave or a breeze rustling the trees.  Imagine you are speaking softly and calmly with others.

Visualizing will diminish your anger reflex.

Hug someone!

Research shows that hugging reduces stress and depression and anxiety.  Hugging others instead of saying unkind words will benefit both you and them!


It is very hard to be angry and laugh at the same time.  So laugh away your anger!  Think of the funniest thing that has ever happened to you or watch a comedian.

Get professional help if you need it.

If you cannot reduce your anger on your own, you might want to consider getting professional help to do this.  You might need medication for depression or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.


My ex-husband has a severe anger problem and is bipolar.  His anger has destroyed his career and his relationships with friends and family.  Sadly, it will probably shorten his life.  After many years of not coping with his anger issue, he developed a serious heart problem.

I am not angry with him.  I forgive him for everything he did to me.  But I cannot help him with the damage his anger has done and continues to do to his own person.  He does not believe he has an anger problem and will not get help for the underlying cause of many of his issues.

I hope you are not like my ex-husband.  If you, your child, or any other loved one has any indication of an anger problem, I hope you get the help you or your loved one needs.

Parents, never forget that your children copy your behavior, not what you tell them to do.  If you do not control your anger, they may not control theirs.

Remember that controlling you anger will enable you to be more successful in life.  Anger interferes with successful relationships and careers.

Always remember that showing others love instead of anger can change the world around you.  Be a world changer and show patience and love to others instead of anger!

Cope with life’s storms calmly. Don’t be angry.


Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

soar like an eagle above life’s storms.


Make good decisions…

Communicate effectively…

Keep your anxiety under control…

And you will feel much less depressed…


If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on and

Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book

for a child you care about today!


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