Laugh Yourself Slim

Encouragement to laugh yourself slim on near a river.

Two nights ago I went to meeting of the Giggles Laughter Club and learned how to laugh myself slim.

Did you know that laughter helps with weight loss? It also improves mood, pain control, mental health issues, and blood pressure.

Laughing helps your body burn calories by increasing your heart rate by 10 to 20 percent.  Since your heart rate does not immediately slow down, you continue to burn more calories even after you stop laughing.

Laughing is a great way for those who cannot move around to improve their health and slim down.  If you cannot watch a funny movie or read a funny book, here are some laughter exercises to get you started.

30 Second Laughter

Laugh non-stop for 30 seconds. You could shrug your shoulders, as if to say, “I don’t know why I am laughing.”

Gradient Laughter

Smile, then start to giggle, slowly turning those giggles into a laugh. Gradually increase your laughter in tempo and volume.

Happy Memories Chuckle

Go back in time and find a truly happy memory, typically of a time when you felt safe, loved, surrounded by people you loved, and when you all laughed. Take time to connect with this memory, laughing now as if you were back then. It normally takes 90-120 seconds to start to recreate the associated emotions.

Hearty Laughter

Make an elongated “aeeee” sound as you slowly lift both arms all the way up, and then laugh heartily with your hands pointed to the sky. Imagine that your laughter is coming straight from your heart.

Humming Laughter Sounds

Laugh as you hum, mouth closed. Play with the pitch, up and down the scale, feeling the vibrations resonate through your body. As you get more adept at feeling the resonation, try and move it deliberately, through your chest, your jaw, your nose, your sinus cavities, your forehead, to the top of your head, and then back down again.

Laughter Breath

Inhale deeply, and then exhale in a combination of quick bursts of air coming out and finishing with vocal laughter. Repeat 5-7 times.

Voice Reinforcement Technique

Take a long breath and elongate your vowels saying “Haaaa Haaaa Haaaa Haaaaa Haaa” five to seven times. Then try to laugh and keep laughing until you run out of breath. Repeat with “He”, “Ho”, “Hu”, etc.


Laughing myself slim sure sounds great to me.



Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you

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If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.

Her encouraging children’s eagle

near a river common core reading book

is available on and

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