Want a simple way to do yourself some good? Here it is.
Right now I am dealing with a very stressful situation. Several people have asked me how I am coping with it. Well, I have been exercising my usual coping mechanisms. Praying, walking, writing, and playing the piano. But I have also been doing myself some good by singing in the shower.
Did you know that singing in the shower does you lots of good? It does.
First of all, when you sing to yourself, you help your emotions recall a fundamental period in your life. When you were a baby, your parents and other caregivers sung lullabies to you to calm you, and singing to yourself reminds your brain of this positive activity.
Second, researchers have found that singing leads to an improved immune system. So if you sing, you are less likely to catch the latest bug. This is a good correction for the damage that last night’s worrying and poor sleep might have done.
Third and most importantly, singing to yourself does your heart some good. People who sing have lower cortisol levels than those who do not. Medical research has linked cortisol to stress levels as well as stress levels to heart health. If you want your heart to be healthier in the long run, sing your heart out!
Fortunately for me, my singing does not disturb my husband because he is hard of hearing and our dogs do not mind, either. Hopefully no one in your home will mind if you sing in the shower, too. If you do this, you will lower your stress levels so you can cope better with whatever is going on in your life.
I know that singing in the shower has gotten a bad rap, but I do it anyway. I turn up the radio to my favorite station or put in a favorite cd, and then I sing my heart out. So as I shower, I am cleaning my body and my soul.
Let the encouraging words in these near a river posts help you
soar like an eagle above life’s storms.
Is your world falling apart around you?
You can play the game of life well…
Music has the power to heal…
Love isn’t love until…
If you enjoyed this post, remember that BJ writes children’s books.
Her encouraging children’s eagle
near a river common core reading book
is available on Amazon.com and Barnesandnoble.com.
Buy BJ’s near a river encouraging eagle reading book
for a child you care about today!
Music and songs have a way of ministering to our lives in many ways. I like the points you have made here!